Thank You

I wanted to write a separate post for this, because I think it’s important to stop and take a few moments to realize what and especially who has helped me in the process of making this blog a success.

My career coach, my friends from school, and people I’ve worked with have all shown their support, whether it was encouraging me to write more often, to create a Facebook page for my blog, or to just say that they like my stuff. And my fellow WordPress bloggers have been nothing short of awesome when it comes to showing their support. You folks know the struggle, the inspiration, the motivation, and the reason why we do what we do.

All of these people have all shown me such kindness whenever I wanted to share my writing with them. Those “likes” feel like fist bumps of solidarity to me, and I love each and every one of them. Thank you for helping to bring out the writer in me!

And thank you for bringing out the Gryffindor in me (I believe we all carry traits of the four Houses) – I’m learning more and more about bravery each day, and about not caring what other people think about my writing. It’s still a process, but I’m glad that I’ve started. And I definitely won’t go back.

I’ve also had a great talk with Felicia from Thoughtful Minds United, and she mentioned that it is absolutely worth it to take the time to go to each person you follow or each person who follows you, and leave a comment on their blog expressing your appreciation for their support and/or their written wisdom. I want to do more of this, for all of my followers and the people I know personally who read my blog posts. I had never thought that I would have this kind of impact on others, and I am truly humbled in realizing this.

So, thank you.

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